Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How can you reduce the look of scars?

i have a scar on my chest from my when my brothers dog scratched me. He was just a puppy at the time...well sort of he was 6 months but part rottweiler so sort of rough. Anyway i have a about 3 scratches on my chest that are about 3 years old. They have faded a bit but, does anyone know of a proven way to get rid of them fast?How can you reduce the look of scars?
I used a product called mederma on my scars. It works most effectively on scars when you use it right after you have been scratched, however it says that it can help get rid of old scars as well, it just takes a while longer. You can find it at target or walmart for about 10-15$ a tube... expensive but very good productHow can you reduce the look of scars?
Mederma.My doctor recommended it to me after my surgery. It can be used on old or new scars.
Nothing happens over night, but try using a product called palmers - thats the brand, they have plenty of items for this type of thing that work
Stri-vectin... it's pricey but if it can get rid of heavy duty stretch marks.. it can make those lil scratches disappear in no time.
Use cocoa butter cream, lotion, or soap, brand Palmers.

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