Friday, August 20, 2010

How to fix my rash scars?

I have exima and I recently am recovering from the first rash ive had in 6 years. It left some nasty scars and now i wear only long sleaved shirts. please helpHow to fix my rash scars?
there's this hanna isul product called recovery ointment. it helps heal rashes, rosacea, burns, skin irritation, cuts, bruises, scars, etc etc. its just good for healing alot of things because it helps repair the skin or something like that. but its really expensive so idk if your willing to spend about 60$ depending on how much of it u want. for me, i always use it everytime i get cuts, scabs, etc. even if i get a pimple and then pop it, i put some of that stuff on and then it heals it. once i went to this place and they did this thing on my face and it made my skin RAW it was disgusting. like they bascially just peeled off like 5 layers of skin in like one little section of my face! and it hurt when i touched it because it was literally just raw skin. so then i put that stuff on it every single day, and now u cant even tell anything ever happened there, not even a scar left. so it works really good and for me i would say its worth the money, but u might be the type of person who doesnt want to spend alot of money. i would probably get the 2oz or 4oz. the 2oz is 59$ and the 4oz is 95 and u have to order this online unless u live in the area where they're located, which is fort worth texas. also, if you want an 8oz its 170$, but that's ALOTT of money hahaha. also its better than paying bunches of money to get some treatment if you buy this, tell me if u like it as much as i do!How to fix my rash scars?
Try bio-oil, a little natural tanning (5-10 mins a day), and try rubbing raw slices of potato and papaya on your scars. Hope this helps! Good luck!!

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