Monday, August 23, 2010

Whats the best to use to get rid of scars?

i have scars on my hands and right above my knees from scratching at it when i needed to calm down.its werid please dont make fun of it.Whats the best to use to get rid of scars?
How to Get Rid of Scars

Go see a dermatologist if you want to get rid of scars. It should be obvious that dermatologists have access to newer and stronger medications as well as the ability to refer you to a surgeon should you opt for surgical scar removal. Though, most doctors who see that a patient is concerned about the appearance of a scar will point them towards over-the-counter scar treatments.

Silicone based scar sheets manufactured by companies like Neosporin can get rid of scars, to a point.

Scar sheets need to be used for at least 8 weeks, wearing each sheet for at least 12 hours a day, changing the sheet every 3-4 days. If your scar doesn鈥檛 clear up after 8-10 weeks of use, chances are it鈥檚 not going to go away any time soon. Scars take time to heal, time for the old skin to slough away and new skin to replace it.

Neosporin Oinment does not get rid of scars as some websites have suggested. According to a Neosporin representative,

Neosporin uses Bacitracin Zinc, Neomycin Sulfate, and Polymyxin B Sulfate and antibiotics help to reduce infection, which in turn helps to reduce scarring. It does not get rid of scars that have already healed. They simply reduce the chances of infections that could lead to a more pronounced scar.

Mederma gel,which uses a scentless onion extract, can help get rid of scars. Usually Mederma is used to treat acne scars,

which is why the company has focused its marketing campaign on youth. But, over a period of time鈥攗sually several months鈥攕cars that are massaged with Mederma scar treatment gel will begin to fade. And thank god for that, because high school is excruciating enough without being taunted by other kids.

Alpha hydroxy skin treatment can help get rid of scars.

Alpha Hydrox, just one of the many commercial brand names for alpha hydroxy acid, is primarily used as a facial skin care product, but because alpha hydroxy acid exfoliates any type of skin, it can be used to treat scars elsewhere. Remember though, that because scars are made up of fibroblasts, a very strong and fibrous dermal layer, exfoliating creams will take time to remove scar tissue

Lemon juice, as the hens in the hen house will tell you, is a natural bleach and will help you get rid of a scar. Though the application of lemon juice to a scar does have some effect, it is not because it bleaches your skin. If that were true, we鈥檇 all be drinking whiskey straight from the bottle, biting down on pieces of leather, and pouring Clorox on our wounds. Lemon juice is an acid, and like all acids, it exfoliates the skin. It is also good for tenderizing meat, which is why it helps to moisten and remove the tough fibroblasts that scar tissue is made of.

The Aloe Plant. There aren鈥檛 enough words in the English language to express just how wonderful the Aloe plant is. The thing is, Aloe (either in a cream or the raw juice) needs to be applied while the wound is still new or healing. Aloe is a great scar treatment if it is applied in a timely and regular manner. Using Aloe as a scar removal treatment, that is after the scar has healed, is not an effective way to get rid of scars.

Scar Removal

Sure scars take time to heal, but that doesn鈥檛 mean all hope is lost; there are other forms of scar removal, including dermabrasion, laser surgery, and chemical peels. Dermabrasion, as explained by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, works by essentially scraping away very fine layers of the skin where scarring has occurred. Over several months, the dermal layer rises in place of the skin removed and skin pigment returns to normal. Laser surgery to remove scars works much the same way, but in a different manner. By applying a high intensity beam of light to the skin鈥檚 surface, rather than a blade, layers of scar tissue are removed, allowing new skin to come to the surface and skin pigment to return as well. Chemical peels, just like the dermabrasion and the laser surgery, act by removing the upper layers of skin, removing scar tissue and allowing newer skin to take its place.

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks. According to the ASPS, even if these procedures are done correctly by a licensed physician, the appearance of the skin where the scar was may not improve. In some cases the area where the scar was removed can actually become darker than the skin around it, or the pores in the skin (especially around the face) can get clogged and require further surgery, or you may even experience a very painful infection. So, before you choose to have scars removed surgically, it鈥檚 a good idea to talk to your dermatologist or plastic surgeon to weigh your options.Whats the best to use to get rid of scars?
I agree with the first response Miderma is your best bet. Other remedies of VIt E etc, take a lot longer and don't always work. It may be a little expensive but it is worth it. A friend of mine used it on her facial scar and it worked great. You can barely tell she had one at all. Good Luck!
ICE CUBES..i sware it works

so you get an ice cube and rub it on ur acne scar for tin minutes. for best results dont put the cube in a plastic bag. just hold it with ur hand. it may be a little messy. DONT wipe the water off your face. it it absorb

after you rub it. you may notice that ur face is red. but it fade..check on it after an hourish? and u'll notice results.

hope it works for you :)
scars are for life. They may fade over time, but that is it.
miderma...I used it for my daughters scar on her's like $16.00 though.
  • bloom-
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