Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How can you heal scars resulting from burns?

I'm extremely accident prone, and I have burns from curling irons, like, everywhere. And someone set my sleeve on fire after school one day (yeah, we're idiots, we KNOW) and so i have burns on my shoulders, but nothing too serious.....Does anyone know how to clear these scars??? I would REALLY like for them to BE GONE! :DHow can you heal scars resulting from burns?
Over the years, I've found that consistant use of Palmer's Cocoa Butter (in the jar, not lotion) is helpful in fading scars from burns. However, the scars have never completely vanished, but there have been marked differences in the appearance of the scars w/use of the cocoa butter. Also try taking showers or baths with Aveeno natural oatmeal products.How can you heal scars resulting from burns?
Vitamin E oil or cream can be applied to the skin in the affected areas, every day .The cream should be applied overnight. Aloe Vera gel and fresh lemon juice can be applied to the scars, so that they fade quickly. You can find more cheap and natural remedies for stretch marks or scars at the link below.
Besides surgery? Not much depending on the depth of the scar. Extra Virgin Olive Oil rubbed on the scar twice a day will over years get rid of it.

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