Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How would you feel about dating someone who had breast cancer, was ';rebuilt';, but has some very visible scars?

I would have no issues or concerns with that situation. Why worry about a scar and miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime of happiness.How would you feel about dating someone who had breast cancer, was ';rebuilt';, but has some very visible scars?
I have a friend who is a breast cancer survivor. She's back in the dating game after a recent divorce. She's charming, bright and still very attractive despite her physical loss. And she's the lady of my dreams..... Report Abuse
How would you feel about dating someone who had breast cancer, was ';rebuilt';, but has some very visible scars?
If this is important to you, you should not be going out with her. She doesn't need you.
The same as dating someone who hasn't had breast cancer or reconstrutive surgery.
If you are a shallow person,then walk away. A real man would just be grateful that she's alive and wants to be with him.
Is that your situation LB?

I've had a mastectomy, but I haven't had reconstruction. Obviously your question isn't aimed at me.

I know it's a huge knock to your confidence especially if you're single, but in the end I think anyone who couldn't handle the fact that you had scars as a result of life-saving surgery wouldn't be worth having.

EDIT**you should probably make it clear you're the woman involved LB, some answerers seem to think it's a man asking.
Deal with it or not. Its that simple. Dealing means accepting it and ignoring the scars. Not, is letting them get to you. BTW, I've never had cancer, but I have tons of scars from my mispent youth and my husband doesn't mind at all. Look BEYOND the scars and find the woman. I'm sure its hard on her too!
There is an old saying that seems to apply here. Them that matters don't mind, and them that minds don't matter.

My own opinion is that what you see gets your attention, but what you hear either keeps you around or makes you want to get away. Best Wishes, Dustyantique42
Shouldnt the inside of them count rather than the outside? obviously she cant help it if she had breast cancer. give her a break. If you had to get ur **** chopped off and sewn back on and their were some very visible scars. how would you feel if ur gf dumped you over that????????
Hey I don't see scars I just see a great lady

Forget scars and take her on a date and help her forget the scars

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