Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do i get rid of ceep acne scars?

i've got these acne scars that are deep. they seem to get right down into the pores. i've used acne creams and nothing works because they are too deep down.

what to do??

thanksHow do i get rid of ceep acne scars?
Bio Oil is good for taking away scars, uneven skin tone aswell as other things :)How do i get rid of ceep acne scars?
Unfortunately, the only solution is a cosmetic procedure called a chemical peel (or a laser treatment, but it's more expensive.) There are other cosmetic procedures that can ';fill in'; the scars but, again, you are looking at even more expensive treatments. A chemical peel can vary in cost, depending on where you live, but a good dermatologist can do it. Plus the doctor can prescribe additional medication to keep your skin from flaring up, further damaging it. I'm sorry you are dealing with this...I feel your pain. I sought help from a dermatologist and am very glad I did. Good Luck!
If you really want to get rid of your scarring you need to look for a board certified dermatologist who has experience in cosmetic procedures. They possibly may recommend a procedure called Subcision which basically the nurse injects lidocaine into the treated areas then the doctor will take a special nokor needle that tears scar tissue apart from where it is connected and loosens the scar which then smooths out or they may just recommend a laser procedure. The needle is specialized not cause extra scarring.
I am all about home remedies when with the economy like it is. So try these few ideas:

1) use lemon juice from fresh lemons or bottle of lemon juice spread on scars with cotton ball let it sit for 10 seconds then wash off.

2) Try a little honey eat a few drops.

3) Or Olive Oil works for just about anything now days just spread a little on the scarred areas. works as a moisterizer
  • make up
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