Monday, July 26, 2010

Can scars ever be compeltly healed?

I have quite a few on my arms, and i really don't want them to be there forever. Will they eventually fade because they are not that deep? Is there creams %26amp; stuff that actually work to heal scars?Can scars ever be compeltly healed?
im not sure about creams, or if they go away comp. i was watching tyra a while ago, and she said that all the super models put tanning lotion on their scars and then go tanning. i tried it, and it works, give it a try.Can scars ever be compeltly healed?
Yes, depending on how bad the injury was. I had a scar on my back that i had to get 6 stiches in about 4 years ago, and it might take some time, but it is almost completely gone, i can barely see it. If it is something you are really worried about there is a scar reducing medicine called mederma. Rub that on them and it will reduce the look of your scar in just a few weeks. Good Luck.
maybe use cocoa butter or vitamin e babe or bio oil...i have scars and i have used nearly EVERYTHING , and it hurts some times because it dont work and its like im trying so hard but sumtimes just forgetting about the scars and concentrating on other things can actually help...but whilst concnetrating on other tings just keep putting the cream/oils etc, on., then one day without u realising u might just look and see ur scar has faded rather than....what i use 2 do and just look at it everry single DAY to see if it has gotten a bit better..

Good luck xxx
no they can't because it is the tissue under the exterior skin which causes scarring. you can put medicine and a special vitamin (i think either B or C) that you can put on it which will help calm it down.
Try vitamin E cream. Scars are permanent unfortunately. Once the skin is gone down that deep its permanent. There is surgery to cut out the scar and make it thinner but thats expensive.
Yes, there are things that work... you just have to make sure you are applying it generously multiple times a day and keeping up with it.

I use Preventin-AT Advanced Scar Therapy Vanishing Intensive Serum.
if u put medison
scars ARE healed. they are forever. they will fade wih time tho'

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