Monday, July 26, 2010

What over the counter product is best for healing/reducing scars?

i have scars on my legs that have been there for a very long time and need them to go away as fast as possible because it's summer and it sucks wearing jeans in the hot weather. do you know any products that work the best and/or the fastest for reducing scars? i've heard that bio oil, cocoa butter, mederma and vitamin e work well but i want to be completely sure before I go out and buy it. thanks so much :)What over the counter product is best for healing/reducing scars?
I use Bio Oil and Mederma and they work great. But if they aren't fading fast enough you can use one of those bronzing lotions. The gradual tanners that give the illusion of even skin.What over the counter product is best for healing/reducing scars?
I heard vitamin e oil may have some beneficial effect, also, maybe consider applying some of that fake tan lotion on the legs, until you get a natural tan if thats what you want.
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