Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do i get rid of my scars / discolorations?

I have scars that buldge and indent, and I have discolorations that are darker than my natural skintone): I know your probably thinken how do you get so many scars...haha I'm just clumy! But I have scars from when I was 2 and I'm now 14, so any medications out there for old and new scars, and have you tried any that worked well? I just don't want to live with these for my whole life):How do i get rid of my scars / discolorations?
I used that Maderma stuff for a scar under my lip where a kid pushed me down a slide and my tooth went through my lip. It worked for mee..

Answer mine, please? :) do i get rid of my scars / discolorations?
One way is to massage the scar area.. It will break-up the scar tissue and make your scar smother.. plus pure vitamin E oil.. It's sold in vitamin shops.. make sure to ask for the pure E oil.. It really does help

there's a med called Cicatricure. Don't know how it works wonder. As a child a fell a LOT so just imagine....but it got rid of them like 10 yr old scars.
You should try works on old and new scars
Coco Butter gets rid of scars ad discolorations.

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